A-1 Cement believes that a company can only do a job right if you also execute it safely. Safety forms a very important part in how A-1 Cement does its work, therefore, we have developed and implemented a very comprehensive safety program.
A-1 Cement is very proud of its safety track record. The company’s accidents and incidents record is one of the lowest and, thus, one of the best in the industry.
A-1 Cement is a member of ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Association). ACSA has a very stringent industry code that one has to adhere to in order to receive one’s COR (Certificate of Recognition) status. A-1 Cement has had COR since 1999. This puts A-1 Cement in an elite category that tells its customers that it is a company that is committed to safety.
All A-1 Cement’s employees are trained to know and understand the need for, and importance of working safely. We require pre-trip inspections and hazard assessment forms be completed prior to crews starting work on a job site.
Employees routinely attend training courses and also receive in-house safety training. Comprehensive safety training ensures that all employees stay up to date with the latest Health and Safety legislation, regulations, and practices.
A-1 Cement’s Management team is committed to continuously bettering our Health and Safety Program, by providing the necessary resources to all employees to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.